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Risk Calculators:
Knowing your risk of developing chronic diseases can help you prevent and avoid irreversible complications

One in two adults with diabetes or hypertension remain undiagnosed

One-third of people with diabetes will develop diabetic retinopathy


of Mexican patients with COVID-19 and diabetes require hospitalization

PROSPERiA's Risk Calculators integrate artificial intelligence models that estimate your risk of having or developing diabetes or hypertension and sight-threatening complications, through a series of non-clinical questions.
This is a useful tool to identify if your health is at risk and take action to prevent irreversible complications.

During this pandemic we developed a model to assess risk of developing severe symptoms after COVID-19 infection considering the relationship of diabetes and hypertension with an increased mortality rate and likelihood of requiring intensive care.

Information provided by the Risk Calculator should never be interpreted as a diagnosis and must not be used to begin a medical treatment.
Always consult a specialist!

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