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Frequently asked questions

What is a fundus examination?

The fundus examination is performed by a special camera to inspect the retina, the back part of the eye responsible for converting light into signals that go to the brain. Fundus exams help detect injuries even before a patient notices any change in their vision.

Who needs a fundus eye exam and with what frequency?

The ophthalmologists and retina specialists recommend fundus eye exam every 6 or 12 months to adults over 40 or people that have been diagnosed with diabetes and/or hypertension.

How can I now if I am at risk of developing retina damage?

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension, you are at high risk of developing sight-threatening retina diseases. However, in Mexico 1 every 2 people with diabetes or hypertension doesn't know that they live with any of both diseases. You can answer a very fast questionnaire to know your risk (only available in spanish).

How PROSPERiA facilitates fundus eye examinations?

PROSPERiA's team developed Retinia®, a computer program that analyzes retina images to automatically determine if a patient presents characteristic lesions of diabetic retinopathy. The retina images are captured in less than 10 minutes with a specialized fundus camera through a non-invasive and completely ambulatory process.

Where can I take a Retinia® fundus exam?

Retinia® is available at some opticians and pharmacies in Mexico City, the State of Mexico and Puebla through our commercial partners and we are working to reach many more places.

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